
Yousaf Raza Gillani

Quick Facts

Full NameYusuf Raza Gilani
Birth DateJune 9, 1952
Birth PlaceMultan, Punjab, Pakistan
Political PartyPakistan People’s Party (PPP) (1980–present)
Current PositionsChairman of the Senate of Pakistan (since April 9, 2024), Acting President of Pakistan (since May 20, 2024)
Previous RolesPrime Minister of Pakistan (2008–2012), Speaker of the National Assembly (1993–1997), Minister of Housing and Works (1988–1990), Minister of Railways (1986)
Senate RolesMember of the Senate of Pakistan (March 2021 – February 2024, since April 4, 2024), Leader of the Opposition in the Senate (2021–2022)
National Assembly RolesMember of the National Assembly (1985–1988, 1988–1990, 1990–1993, 1993–1997, 2008–2012, February 2024 – March 2024)
Local Government RolesMayor of Multan (1983–1985)
EducationGovernment College University, University of the Punjab
Professional BackgroundPediatrician
Family BackgroundDescended from Sunni theologian Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani and Sufi saint Musa al-Jilani; father was a signatory of the Pakistan Resolution and served as a federal and provincial minister
Personal LifeMarried to Fauzia Gilani, with 5 children
Significant AchievementsStrengthened parliamentary democracy, initiated impeachment against Musharraf, founded University of Swat, improved nuclear energy projects
Notable EventsArrested and imprisoned for corruption (2001–2006), disqualified by the Supreme Court on corruption allegations (2012), returned to politics in 2017
Recent ElectionsRe-elected as a Senator on March 14, 2024, assumed office in the Senate on April 4, 2024
Historical BackgroundComes from a politically influential family in Multan, with ancestors who held significant political and spiritual roles

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